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  • 3 Ways to Improve Communication in Relationships

    The number one ingredient to any healthy and stable relationship is good communication. When communication is poor, relationships break down.

    Whether platonic, romantic, or business, your relationships will thrive if you improve your communication with others. Here’s how:

    Be Fully Present

    Both parties must earn trust and respect. And this requires giving each other your full attention. Make eye contact and fully listen to what the other person is saying and how they are saying it. Keep distractions like cell phones out of the conversation.

    Use “I” Statements

    One of the biggest things that make a person tune out during a conversation is when they are told they are doing something wrong. YOU do this, or YOU do that is not the best way to get your feelings across.

    Try using more “I” statements. These statements focus on your feelings without casting blame on the other person.

    So as an example, instead of saying, “You’re always late!” You can rather say, “I worry when you haven’t shown up, and I haven’t heard from you.”

    See the difference?

    Avoid Negative Communication Patterns

    Poor communication is typically the result of negative communication patterns. These include things like passive aggressiveness, ignoring the other person when they are speaking, and yelling.

    While you may not be able to change your negative communication patterns overnight, you can commit to becoming more aware of them, and when they happen, stop the way and change it.

    These are just some ways to improve your communication with others. You may also want to seek the guidance of a couples therapist who can offer you even more strategies and a safe space to share your feelings.

    If you’d like to explore couples counseling, please reach out to me. I’d love to help you reconnect with your partner.